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This Book Will Change Your Life

This Book Will Change Your Life - Benrik On Day 117 of THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE, the authors state they want David Copperfield the illusionist to read their book. David Copperfield, if you are out there reading this or googling your name, please, read this book if you haven’t already. You too, Madonna and Tiger Woods. This book will change your life.This is a funny, laugh-out-loud type of book. With 365 days of activities to change your life, the goal is simple. On Day 247, you should eat everything with chopsticks, and on Day 276, you should go to the zoo and actually feed the animals. I’ve always wanted to feed a lion, and this has given me the courage to actually go and sacrifice a gazelle to my childhood dreams. Not really, of course, this book is about the comedy and not about actually getting you arrested for something stupid. At least I hope not. But there are some fun activities to confuse and possibly scare people.With fun illustrations and comedy in small but heavy doses (if you do decide to just read one page a day, which I couldn’t do because the comedy just kept driving me forward), THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE will change your life, or at least give you ideas for silly things to do to annoy your friends and family.