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Pawnee: The Greatest Town in America

Pawnee: The Greatest Town in America - Leslie Knope As a more recent convert to the Church of Parks and Recreation, I have to admit that I had no clue what I was missing before. The show is hilarious, packed with laughs and oohs and aahs and even moments where I tear up a little. When a friend purchased this book for me as a birthday present, I dug into it impatiently and reveled in each and every moment. Savoring this book was out of the question. The only answer was to eat up each page voraciously and then feel sorry for myself when I reached the end and found there to be no more laughs and fun tidbits that only add to the story.PAWNEE: THE GREATEST TOWN IN AMERICA is the perfect companion piece to a show that is so perfect in so many ways. So so so so so! PAWNEE incorporates characters from the show with back story on the town that we’ve never seen or heard before, such as historical information on the founding of Pawnee to the guide to the city’s restaurants and famous raccoon-infested parks. Although I generally don’t read television or movie tie-ins outside of books about the creation of a film along the line of LORD OF THE RINGS or ALIENS (my favorite movie ever, just saying), I was drooling over the chance to read this book.If you are a fan of Parks and Recreation, trust me – you need this book. You just need this book, and really, that’s all I can say about this book. And if you haven’t seen Parks and Recreation, go buy a month’s worth of Netflix and watch the first few seasons. Fall in love with Pawnee and the characters. And then buy this book and fall in love with it.VERDICT: Although focused on seasoned Parks and Recreation fans, this book is a diehard fan’s new best friend, combining tidbits from the show and new information that you NEED to know! A great companion.